How do we prepare India’s talent for the 5 Tn$ economy in India and to be the biggest industry ready talent pool for the world with the next generation of higher education?

With the massive adoption in digital after COVID pandemic, I see three mega trends happening and converging soon. Future of Industry leading to Future of work delivered through future of learning – Shifts in technology and enabled capabilities will leapfrog current gaps and disrupt current ways to evolve exciting new paradigms.

Are we ready for this?

Future of Industry – With massive adoption of social, mobility, analytics, IOT, Cloud, Block chain. Metaverse, AR & VR etc. in industry, we are seeing disruption in the way manufacturing, retail, energy companies are evolving. The new operating models will not be like the legacy 100-year-old process. We will need people to be anticipating the new functions and demand these would need

Future of Work – When artificial intelligence and machine learning take over human skills of today (they are already doing – machines can draw, be creative, write papers, make presentations), then the skills of tomorrow are leadership, critical thinking & analytics, creative design thinking, domain and industry knowledge, People management. Machines can code but we seem much focused on STEM and creating computer engineers in massive scale. Some point we should be reviewers and manage machines. A lot of current functions could become obsolete.

10 VITAL SKILLS EVERY EMPLOYEE WILL NEED IN THE AGE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE – FORBES SEP 28 2020 are creativity, emotional intelligence, analytical thinking, growth mind-set, decision making , communication, leadership, cultural intelligence , technology , change management

Future of learning – When new industry paradigms are created, new skills are defined for the future of work, there needs to be an agile model to make training and learning happen, mostly on the move .in interesting, personalized bits of information, on demand on need basis. The world is full of information and easily accessible but flooded, everyone a Google doctor these days. What’s needed possibly is to curate the information, validate the authentic and make it available to personas on a guided way when required, anticipate like the way ecommerce and bankers work for a utility-based model of learning.

Let’s take stock of today’s situation

  1. School do not prepare the talent for the work activities required in industries of today. The curriculum is not updated with the latest industry and tech progress – students are still taught full length letter writing for e.g., in the world of emails, blogs, social media communications
  2. Not everyone can afford an MBA schooling to prepare for industry
  3. MBA schools also don’t create a procurement specialist, a strategic selling, quality management professional or an industry problem solver
  4. Most industry learning happens on the job, so most people joining work are not industry ready and have a lead time to start working leave aside being ready for global leaders
  5. No source for industry leading learning, cross functions in a particular industry, processes, formats, critical success factors, decisions models, measures and KPIs, best practices etc.
  6. Organisations must pay high costs for management consultants for these skills, a lot in the industry cannot even afford these high costs
  7. People learn with experience, retire and the experience is lost. Not available to the next generation. Hence again a very inefficient process of starting experiential learning from scratch. Human race knowledge will be better off without these leakages
  8. Social media and internet are flooded with knowledge today but too scattered for the uninitiated

AI & automation is changing the industry business models and the type of work for humans in the future. We need a platform to prepare the talent with the basics of industry and functions and continue to build on based on the collective knowledge of the community on this platform

Capabilities to include

LEARN: (site –

  1. A learning economy platform where knowledge is available in bytes, engaging formats, on the move and guided on a learning path in micro learning gamified environment
  2. Persona based training for actual work on a role in the industry at site
  3. Democratise consulting skills for everyone to make everyone aware and bring the best in them
  4. Tools and frameworks, value chain, functional maps, best practices etc. for each industry available for all before getting to work
  5. Proactive work on future of learning, skill demand, leaders speak by invite collaborating with the traditional schools and the industry.
  6. A certification for basic professional, functional readiness.


  • A marketplace to connect the learning and the learned
  • A marketplace to connect the demand and the supply determined and executed at market best value
  • The learned and learning connected live with industry problems and evolving solutions
  • Opportunity to create new jobs in the marketplace from Industry, to learn, practice and deliver which engaging
  • Coordinated skills from the pool, program managed to deliver from the best experiences and the young talent together, mentored by the best and experienced catering to a global pool
  • A place where right brained creative skills and left-brain analytics skills coupled with leadership training to develop industry leaders

DELIVER (site-

  1. A repository of knowledge constantly upgraded and available on subscription format
  2. A platform built based on experience building the best of global consulting talent, addressing, and innovating with leading global firms, and enabled by an ecosystem of experts
  3. Built for digital, by digital and on digital as a profitable vehicle for transformation
  4. A freelance, multitasking, shared talent pool for the world, delivered 24/7 – any time anywhere problem solvers and industry talent to work in a hybrid environment, professionals of tomorrow equipped with smart tools and knowledge curated and ready in a format that does not exist anywhere today

Do we think this is important, need of the hour and doable?

The consulting experience builds excellent credentials for a professional’s success. No surprise a lot of successful CXO’s have had a past stint in business consulting firms. Fine personal attributes, connecting concepts and practical insights to problem solving, leadership, financial acumen, networking and people management are ingredients that you collect in consulting offices which are very essential for professional success in every walk of life.

We are on a mission of democratizing Applied Consulting skills to amplify potential of every individual professional. Our programs go beyond traditional MBA programs to focus on building both the right brain creative skills and left brain analytical skills to help you be a successful problem solver and creative solutionist in the digital world

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